
Reasons 8-14

Click HERE to see the other reasons I love my husband!

((Edit:  On last weeks post I got an anonymous comment from someone who didn't have a blog but would like to participate, and wanted some suggestions.  My suggestions would be to consider creating a blog from blogger.  Pretty easy to set up, free, and if you don't want it for personal things you could just use it for challenges such as this one.  You could also share your reasons on facebook, or another social media site.  Lastly, and maybe the easiest would be to participate by leaving the reasons you love your husband in the comments section!  If you have any questions, or need help with anything feel free to leave a comment or send an e-mail!))

Every week I'm challenging myself, and others to focus on the positive and list why they love their husbands!

8.  I love the fact my husband is laid back.  It would drive me crazy if he wasn't.

9.  I love how even if I have another new idea, or project, he doesn't discourage me.

10.  I love that his beliefs are the same as mine.

11.  I love the fact that he thinks all math teachers are left handed, and that chlorophyll sounds blue.

12.  I love how he drives.  It's not always perfect, but I don't get car sick.

13.  I love that he has no fear, or hesitation about asking for directions.

14.  I love how he loves animals.

These are this weeks 7 reasons I love my husband!  Feel free to link up and share your reasons, I'd love to stop by and check them out!

365 Reasons I Love My Husband


Rachel said...

Great idea! Love this challenge :).

GranthamLynn said...

Love this and joining you!
Thanks for sharing. I'll be back!
Come and visit me!

Denise said...

I love this. Here is my link--http://shortybearsplace.blogspot.com/